xi freeze tag svr 1

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xi freeze tag svr 1
Call Of Duty 4 - XtremeIdiots - Page 24.this has happend to me a few times, i go to give my opponent a pull back irish whip but just as im bringing them back, me and them freeze.
. with a bunch of you guys on and off for oh 3 years or something like that on the cod freeze tag servers but just thought ied say hello.. >XI< Scrim Results. #1. blackrussian1. Posted 18 June 2012 - 07:07 PM. blackrussian1 .. welcome ive played on svr with you acouple of times glad to have you in game and on forums.
. vs RATED R GAMER 1 vs Kingz Evil Twin (Freeze Glitch) TheNationLive 429 views 4 years. IX SICCMURDA XI/King D VS TGR BearThunder/ xTGRx MostWanted. 4 years ago IX SICCMURDA XI and Kingz Evil Twin tag up against TGR.. SvR Hightlight Reel: Dance Battle #1 (Funny- Candice Michelle VS Viscara).
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Just Registered! - Introductions - XtremeIdiots.
PS2 freezing while playing some PS2 games.... asking for help.
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Jun 18, 2012. posted in Introductions: Hey everyone i just registered to the site. if anyone wants too know what i play,i play in cod 4 freeze tag and i go by. >XI< Scrim Results .. u there. i play svr 1 to occasionally so well bump into each other heres a tip for u if u ever kill loco run right away he always has extra nades.